包裹查无信息 “Not Found” (当包裹还未上网,官网未更新)
包裹正在运送中 “Transit” (当包裹还在运送中时)
包裹抵达待取“Pick Up” (当包裹显现现已抵达目的地国家)
包裹投递成功“Delivered” (当包裹显现投妥,而收件人宣称未收届时)
包裹运送过久“Expired” (大部分为时效延误/ 目的地国家不能查到投妥/官网不更新状况等)
包裹或许反常“Alert” (大部分为退件/ 海关单号/损坏/丢掉等问题)
Not found:
Dear valued customer:
Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.
As per tracking result powered by ***.net, Im very sorry to inform you that your item is still lack of tracking information right now. If you got a tracking result as “Not found” its telling you that your tracking information is unavailable, it doesn mean that we haven been mailed your item.
(Note: There may be a delay between scanning events and the availability of tracking information related to those scanning events. The tracking information may not ap
http://www.yuntisoft.com/wuliuwenda/140200.html 跨境电商干货与海外买家交流物流状况的英语模板