

2022/9/28 10:28:25 来源:货代软件公司
从跋涉资源装备与服务水平相匹配的视点动身半响电子商务的飞速开展,全球物流业方兴未已,绑架也向物流业提出了新的应战。虽然在国内支撑B2C电子商务的物流形式多样化,但从总体上来讲该跋涉还不完善,跟不上B2C电子商务的开展速度。假如对电子商务的物流问题没有满足的知道和充沛的注重,电子商务的优势就很难在我国发挥出来。因而,以B2C电子商务为方针,打开物流配送跋涉的规划研讨具有实际的理论与实践含义。本文针对以往物流跋涉规划中对各层面之间的限制联系考虑缺乏的缺点,从配送跋涉资源装备与对客户所许诺的服务水平相匹配的视点,进行了B2C电子商务物流配送跋涉规划的相关研讨,其首要打开了以下内容:l 在对B2C电子商务物流配送跋涉的构成及各要素特征进行剖析的基础上,从本论文研究的视点提出了跋涉规划的结构,首要包含规划的概念、方针、首要使命及完成技能。l 针对规划所提出的跋涉资源装备规划使命,充沛考虑了现阶段我国城市电子商务开展的现状以及电子商务物流需求特征等要素,建立了混合配送中心布局决议计划模型以及有交通条件束缚与时刻窗束缚的配送配载归纳模型来进行配送中心与车辆的装备决议计划,并进行了模型的遗传算法规划。l 为点评跋涉的资源装备决议计划结果与所承诺的服务水平之间的匹配联系,本论文建立了B2C电子商务物流配送运转仿真跋涉。榜首,确立了B2C电子商务物流配送运转跋涉仿真的模型跋涉结构,首要由顾客需求发生模型、资源装备计划描绘模型、配送网络描绘模型、配送跋涉运行模型、交通网络剖析模型、仿真点评模型六大类型的模型构成;第二,以该模型跋涉结构为结构,建立了该跋涉仿真的中心模型;第三,提出了B2C电子商务物流配送运转跋涉仿真软件开发中一些关键技能问题的处理办法,包含面向方针软件规划技能、跋涉规划及完成技能、软件输入输出界面技能等;最终开发了电子商务物流配送运转跋涉仿真软件。关键词:B2C电子商务 物流配送跋涉 规划 配送中心布局 车辆装备 配送运转跋涉 仿真AbstractAs the rapid development of e-commerce ,which brings new chances and challenges to logistics .there are many logistics models supporting the national B2C e-commerce, but generally the logistics system is not perfect so that it can’t meet the demand of EC. If the logistics of EC is not given enough attention , EC will have no more privillege. Under such a background, the dissertation , which oriented to the planning of distribution system for EC ,shows its signification both in theoretic and practical application.Allowing for the shortcoming of former distribution system planning which pays less attention to the relationship between macro and micro and from the prospective of the system resource configuration and service level, the thesis focuses on the study of planning of EC distribution system which mainly includes the following aspects:l Based on the logistics demand characteristic of clients of EC, the logistics system’s conceptual design and the planning’s tasks and objectives of macro and micro levels are studied.l The paper builds the mathematics models of distribution center layout decision and the models of delivery and loading under traffic conditions and soft time-window based on the current condition of the development of EC and the logistics demand characteristic of clients of EC and the algorithm design.l In order to evaluate the relationship of the system resource configuration and the service level, the thesis builds the simulation system of EC distribution operating . First, A model architecture is made up of client demand model , resource configuration scheme description model, distribution network representation model, distribution system operating model, traffic network analysis model, simulation evaluation model ,and so on. Secondly ,under the framework of model architecture ,the kernel simulation models are developed. Thirdly, some key techniques of developing a distribution operation simulation software system are presented in the thesis, which covers the topics on object-oriented design, system design, input/output interface design and etc. Finally, the software system is developed.Keywords:EC distribution system planning distribution center layout vehicle configuration distribution operating system simulation

http://www.yuntisoft.com/wuliuwenda/141369.html B2C事务的物流网络规划问题沟通(高分)



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